AFFC stands in solidarity with those affected by Hurricane Helene in Sept. 2024. Read more on the Post Disaster Resources page.

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- Site Assesment | AFFC
Forest Farming Site Assessment Page under construction - check back soon. What is a site assessment? A site assessment is a guided walkthrough of many aspects of a potential forest farming site, from general, fixed elements (like exposure and slope) to existing tree and plant species and other details. Site assessments are an important tool as they help identify overall health, assets and advantages as well as challenges and limitations. All of these factors put together help to paint a picture of available options, practices, compatible species and long term objectives, and can be invaluable to forest farmers. Why assess a forest site? Site assessment can help forest farmers explore several factors regarding a specific site, as well as potential suitability for growing certain forest botanicals. While there are helpful online assessment tools, they are mapping and data based and therefore no substitute for quality field based site assessments. In order to be most effective, basic documentation like property maps are needed, as well as being at the site during the growing season (mid spring through mid autumn) and taking a hard copy of the assessment to fill out. This improves the chances of accurate observations of forest health, current conditions and species during the growing season. In addition to having fixed aspects like site type, direction, exposure and slope, every forest is also an ever changing mosaic of tree and species succession, wildlife, understory changes and varying plant composition and competition. For the most part, healthy forests naturally support plenty of biodiversity which is generally favorable to forest farming, but the challenge most often faced by potential and new forest farmers is not the habitat itself, but: a) learning to work with the forest, because every place is different, b) selecting ideal species for their habitat c) finding the right balance of existing conditions and practices for success d) long term planning of goals and objectives What is a site assessment? Click the button below to read, download or print the Northeast Forest Farming Coalition Site Assessment Tool. The video below is an Introduction for Site Assessment Evaluation. Topography Hydrology Vegetative Composition -Woody indicator species -Dominant tree species -Herbaceous indicator species -Dominant Understory Plants Shade Level Estimates Soil and Site Surface Site Accessibility vs. Security Northeast Forest Farming Coalition Site Assesment
- 2024 Forest Farming Conference | ABFFC
2024 Gather to Grow Forest Farming Conference A Conference to Honor the Past and Shape the Future of Forest Farming March 22 - 24th, 2024 | Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia Thank you for an amazing 2024 Forest Farming Conference! Conference Summary 2024 Gather to Grow C onference Summary Who: Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition What: 2024 Gather to Grow: A Conference to Honor the Past and Shape the Future of Forest Farming Where: Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA, USA When: March 22-24, 2024 The Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition's (ABFFC) Gather to Grow multi day Forest Farming C onference will be held in Roanoke, Virginia from March 22-24, 2024 and feature learning, networking, and strategic planning programs that will shape the future of forest farming of woodland crops such as botanicals, mushrooms, and decorative products in Appalachia an d beyond. Keynote speakers, working group meetings and panels, field tours, expo, exhibitors, breakout presentations, flash t alks, a youth program, poster presenters, great food, socials, and a classic hotel in Appalachia are included. Reasonable prices and access by trains, planes, and automobiles make for a highly accessible event. Keynote Speaker: Olivia Watkins, Black Farmer Fund & Oliver's Agroforest Olivia Watkins is a social entrepreneur and impact investor. For the past eight years, she has financed, developed, and operated environmental and social impact projects across the US. She currently serves as a co-founder and President of Black Farmer Fund. She also serves as a board member for a Real Estate Investment Trust, Iroquois Valley, that has invested $100M into transitioning conventional farmla nd to organic farmland. Prior to founding Black Farmer Fund in 2017, Olivia worked in several farm production roles at Soul Fire Farm Institute and Kahumana Organic Farms and financial research analysis positions at Croa tan Institute and NC Idea, leveraging her environmental biology background to manage and grow environmentally regenerative and socially impactful business operations. Keynote Speaker: Jeanine Davis, NC State University Dr. Jeanine Davis is an associate professor and extension specialist in the Department of Horticultural Science at NC State University. She is located at a research and extension center in western NC near Asheville. For over 30 years, she has researched medicinal herbs, forest farming, new crops, vegetables, and organic agriculture and shared her knowledge on these topics with farmers and gardeners across the country. Her current efforts are focused on native woodland botanicals, hops, truffles, organic vegetables, and hemp. She is the lead author of the book “Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and Other Wo odland Medicinals”. Jeanine and her family operate Our Tiny Farm where they raise and board mini-donkeys. Special thanks to Traditional Medicinals for sponsoring the Gather to Grow Keynote Speakers! Conference Media 2024 Forest Farming Conference: Gather to Grow Printable PDF Flier
Join us for Forest Farming Office Hours, where we meets by zoom to discuss forest farming topics and updates. AFFC's Forest Farming Office Hours 2025 Join the Appalachian Forest Farmer Coalition and NC State University Extension for Q & A, resources, and conversation about forest farming. All regions and experience levels are welcome. All Forest Farming Office Hours take place on ZOOM on designated Fridays from 12 noon to 1:30 pm EST. We realize that some may not be able to attend a lunch session so we invite you to look through our meeting notes, links and resources, as well as bring your questions to our Forest Farming group on FB . These zoom sessions are not recorded. Forest Farming Office Hours Email List This is email list sends FFOH announcements, registration links, and reminders, and is separate from the AFFC general mailing list. Forest Farming Office Hours Winter 2025 Friday, February 14, 2025 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST Friday, March 7, 2025 * 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST/ 11:00 - 12:30 PM CST *Joint Office Hours with Midwest Forest Farmers Coalition Forest Farming Office Hours Spring 2025 Friday, April 4th, 2025 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST Friday, May 9th, 2025 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Short Introductions (Name, region, topic) 3. Seasonal Forest Farming Discussion 4. Q&A 5. Resources & Events 6. End at 1:30pm Northeast Forest Farming Coalition Events Midwest Forest Farming Coalition Events Past Office Hours (2022 - 2024)
- Glossary | AFFC
Forest Farming Glossary Common terms used in forest farming and agroforestry. Agroforestry - agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems to create environmental, economic, and social benefits. Silvopasture, alley cropping, windbreaks, riparian buffers, and forest farming are widely recognized examples of agroforestry practices. At-risk species - at-risk plant species are locally or broadly at risk of overharvest, environmental pressures or mis-management. ------------------------------------------- Botanical - relating to plants, botany. Botanical name - latin binomial, scientific name Business plan - a document setting out a business's future objectives and strategies for achieving them. Forest farms by necessity require diversity, planning and investment of time and resources. Business plans are highly recommended for income producing forest farms of all sizes. Most extensions have contacts or resources to help create generic business plans, but local and regional specialized input is very helpful. ------------------------------------------- Conservation - preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment and of wildlife. Craft & Traditional Crafts - a skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by machines in a factory, or an object made by such an activity. Forest Farming provides several important craft goods and raw materials. Cultivation - cultivation is the act of caring for or raising plants. ------------------------------------------- Dendrology - the scientific study of trees. Diversity - (Ecological biodiversity) refers to the variations in the plant and animal species living together and connected by food chains and food webs. ------------------------------------------- Edible - fit or suitable to be eaten. Ecology - the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. Ecological community - An ecological community is defined as a group of species that are commonly found together. Ecological communities may be animal or plant assemblages with similar habitat requirements and contain species which may influence each other or rely on similar processes in their environment. Endangered species - An endangered species is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction. Species become endangered for three main reasons: loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation or outright removal. Enterprise budget - Enterprise budgets assist in understanding the costs and returns of a production activity, identifying potential sources of risk, and evaluating alternatives. Extirpation - the state or condition of having become locally or regionally extinct ------------------------------------------- Forest canopy - In forest ecology, canopy refers to the upper layer or habitat zone, formed by mature tree crowns and including other biological organisms Forest management - Forest management focuses on managing vegetation, restoring ecosystems, reducing hazards, and maintaining forest health. Forest - A forest is an area of land dominated by trees. Forester - Foresters oversee forest land, manage budgets, create plans for forestry projects, and supervise forest and conservation technicians and workers. Forest farming - Forest farming is the cultivation of high-value crops under the protection of a managed tree canopy. Food forest - A food forest, also called a forest garden, is a diverse planting of edible plants that attempts to mimic the ecosystems and patterns found in nature. ------------------------------------------- Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) - Appropriate production practices, careful harvesting, and proper storage, and transport all contribute to good produce quality after harvesting. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) - a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. Guild - In Permaculture, a guild is a grouping a plants, trees, animals, insects, and other components that work together to help ensure their health and productivity. ------------------------------------------- Herbivore - an animal that feeds on plants. Harvest - the process or period of gathering in crops . In forest farming, several types of harvest occur including the traditional root harvest that usually takes place in autumn, leaf or flower harvest. ------------------------------------------- Indicator species - An indicator species is an organism whose presence, absence or abundance reflects a specific environmental condition. Indigenous - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. Invasive species - An invasive or alien species is an introduced species to an environment that becomes overpopulated and harms its new environment. ------------------------------------------- Latin binomial - botanical name, i.e. American ginseng is Panax quinquifolius. ------------------------------------------- Medicinal plant - Medicinal plants can be defined as the plants that possess therapeutic properties or exert beneficial pharmacological effect on the human or animal body. ------------------------------------------- Nursery (botanical) - place where plants are grown for transplanting, for use as stock for budding and grafting, or for sale. Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) - products that originate from trees or plant parts but are not derived from timber. Native species - a native species is indigenous to a given region or ecosystem if its presence in that region is the result of only local natural evolution (though often popularised as "with no human intervention"). ------------------------------------------- Permaculture - an approach to land management and design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. Poaching (plants)- plant poaching involves the illegal removal of plants and plant parts. RE: THEFT Population - the number of plants in a given unit or area of land. Post Harvest handling - In agriculture and agroforestry, postharvest handling is the stage of production immediately following harvest, including cooling, cleaning, sorting and packing. Post Harvest recovery - the amount of time it takes a harvested population to recover from the removal of plant material. Predation (herbivory) - the action of species that browse/eat forest plants and crops, thereby damaging or removing plants. ------------------------------------------- Restoration - actions to recreate and reinstate ecological processes, forest structure, ecological functioning and biodiversity levels towards those typical of a healthy forest ecosystem. Riparian - relating to wetlands, adjacent to rivers, streams and springs. ------------------------------------------- Stewardship - a general approach to management that focuses on conservation, minimizing negative impacts and plans for the future. In forest farming, stewardship can apply to forest stewardship and species like ramps or American ginseng. Silviculture - the growing and cultivation of trees. Species - A biological species is a group of organisms that can reproduce with one another in nature and produce fertile offspring. In the context of forest farming, key species include dominant trees, non timber forest product species, indicator species as well as invasive species and pests. Succession - is the orderly and predictable change in the dominant species of forest plants and their ecologies. Security - protecting highly valuable forest farming crops (like American ginseng or goldenseal) or other non timber forest products from theft, poaching, destruction, etc. Site Assessment - Evaluating the existing forest aspects and ecologies in order to understand what plantings and species might do well there. Usually the first step in forest farming operations. A thorough site assessment includes GIS mapping, terrain, direction, etc., as well as species inventory and seasonal observations. Silvopasture - Silvopasture is the deliberate integration of trees and grazing livestock operations on the same land. ------------------------------------------- Thinning - in forest farming this is usually thinning a forest area by felling/removing dead or diseased trees, lower quality species, or site preparation by the removal of understory or underbrush in order to allow more light to reach the forest floor. Theft - illegal removal or harvest of wild, stewarded, cultivated or forest farmed species, NTFPs, materials from private or public lands. Technical service provider - extension agents, organizations professionals and people who have been trained in best practices, safety and more. Toxic - species which can cause external or internal harm if handled or ingested. Several forest farmed species have toxic look-alike species and must be identified or vouchered before harvesting for personal use or commercial harvest. Ramps (Allium tricoccum ) has a highly toxic look-alike species, false hellebore (Veratrum viride ), all parts of mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum ) are highly toxic to ingest. ------------------------------------------- Understory - The layer of small trees and shrubs between the highest canopy layer and the shrub and herb layers on the ground. ------------------------------------------- Value Added Products (VAPs) - stand for V alue A dded P roducts, often processed end products with forest farming ingredients for wholesale or retail markets like blended teas, food products like ramp salts or jarred goods, or baskets made from white oak bark. ------------------------------------------- Watershed - A watershed is an area of land that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet. Woodland - land area covered with woody vegetation. Wild simulated - a forest farming approach where forest farmers/growers introduce specific species into an ideal forested environment and then let it grow with little to no intervention, often for up to 10 or more years. This is the least disturbing approach Wild/uncultivated - plants and plant populations that occur naturally in the wild without the assistance of humans.
- Resources | Appalachian Forest Farmer Coalition
Part of the coalition's mission is to create and host a "clearinghouse" of forest farming resources. These resources are free and available to the public. Forest Farming Resources Page under construction - check back soon for more information. Since 2014, one of the primary missions of the Appalachian Forest Farmer Coalition has been to create, host and maintain a clearinghouse of forest farming information and resources, in order to help future, beginning and current forest farmers across the region. Since that time, attention and interest in forest farming has grown, as have the groups, resources, events and available information. The resources on this website focus on eastern forests, local native forest botanicals and well established forest farming practices of this region. That being said, many folks outside of the Appalachians also want to learn more about local species and try to grow them in other temperate regions. The AFFC welcomes and supports knowledge sharing and exchange, while acknowledging that research and local expertise is always necessary. Note: These resources are freely available to the public, and can be found or requested from their respective publishers. While these resources have been created for, or curated here on the AFFC website for the benefit of the forest farming community, all resources are used with permission and credit goes to the individual authors and original publishers. Forest Farming Resource Directory 2025 Forest Farming Office Hours Virtual and informal lunchtime discussions about forest farming topics, Q&A and more. Forest Farming in Focus Webinars Series An in-depth look at forest farming practices and species as presented by AFFC & Partners. Forest Farming Video Library Our YouTube channel @farmingforests is home to over 200 forest farming videos. Forest Farming Footnotes Now on the 20th edition, this biannual newsletter highlights AFFC happenings, partners and events throughout the year. Forest Farming Glossary This glossary is an overview of forest farming terms, definitions and concept overviews for forest farming and associated practices. Introduction to Forest Farming New to forest farming or wondering how and where to start? Start here! Non Timber Forest Products Introduction and examples of non timber forest products often called NTFPs for short. Value Added Products in Forest Farming Introduction and examples of value added products from forest products Forest Farming Publications Books, websites, papers and more publication about forest farming in Appalachia. Post Disaster Resources Response and resources for forest farmers across the Southeast that are affected by Hurricane Helene in September 2024 and future community support framework.
- Post Disaster Resources | AFFC
Post-Disaster Resources November 2024: Forest Farming in the Southeast after Tropical Storm Helene On September 27th, 2024 Tropical Storm Helene reached the southernmost portions of the Appalachian Mountains, and left a path of destruction through the heavily forested regions of Western North Carolina, Upper South Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, and Southwest Virginia. These rich and highly diverse forests are home to many forest farmers, and the Appalachian Forest Farmer Coalition stands in solidarity with all those affected. The region is beginning the recovery phase post-disaster, while some counties remain in active relief mode. There are short term and long term needs to support Southern Appalachian forest farmers and all those affected by the historic, geologic event. Agroforestry practices are an important part of the future. Below are a few ways to participate in the recovery and begin to help build a more resilient post-disaster response infrastructure in the future. Post Helene Forest Farm Damage Assessment Post-Helene Seeds and Trees Donation Form Post Helene Agroforestry Recovery Work Exchange Post Helene Forest Farm Damage Assessment We are collecting voluntary and anonymous information about damage from Helene to forest farms in Southern and Central Appalachia, as well as farmer needs. Our intent is to compile information about Helene's impact on your forest farm and generate regional estimates to assist recovery efforts. While voluntary, we encourage participation in this ten question survey if you experienced any forest farm damage to ensure estimates reflect the scale and scope of loss due to the storm. Other Agroforestry practices that experienced damage are also noted within the survey. Post Helene Agroforestry Planting Stock Donations The storm damage was widespread as well as localized in parts of TN, VA, SC and NC. Hundreds of thousands of acres of forest were damaged in North Carolina alone. There is a need for planting seeds and planting stock in the agroforestry community to assist in disaster recovery in the short and long term. Please fill out the google form if you would like to share plant material with our forest farmers of Helene affected areas Post Helene Farm and Agroforestry Recovery Volunteer Opportunities A number of organizations are organizing volunteer and farmer to farmer labor groups to assist in short and long term recovery. If you would like to participate with on the ground recovery and planting efforts, please fill out this volunteer form with our partners at Organic Growers School at this link . Please contact with any questions. More ways to help the region in recovery:
- Publications | Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition
These resources and online publications are dedicated to providing forest farming and educational materials to the public. Forest Farming Publications Page under construction - check back soon for more information. These resources and online publications are dedicated to providing forest farming and educational materials to the public. Plant profiles are published by eXtension and detailed explanations of habitat, growing and processing according to Good Harvest Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices, which are industry standard. eXtension Publications RootReport Newsletter Archive Forest Farming Books Forest Farming Footnotes ~ABFFC Newsletter Page~ eXtension eXtension Forest Farming This website contains a wealth of information about forest farming on a national level. UpS DOWNLOAD PAPERBACK @ AMAZON Publicatons Publications Want to learn more about Bloodroot? Bloodroot Want to learn more about Black Cohosh? Black Cohosh Pests Affecting Shiitake Mushrooms Shiitake Steps Involved in Farming Specialty Mushrooms Mushrooms Want to learn more about Goldenseal? Goldenseal Want to learn more about False Unicorn? False Unicorn Harvesting Pine Straw from a Forest Pine Straw Forest Farming and Non-Timber Forest Products Forest Farming Root Report RootReport at Virginia Tech People have harvested roots, barks, foliage, fruits and mushrooms from forests for generations. Today these are meaningful traditions and sources of income for families and communities across the country. There is growing interest in cultivating NTFPs and managing forests to produce them, but there is a lack of reliable information about their markets. Our goal is to measure the scope and distribution of NTFP production and its economic impact, and make that research available to people who work with and care about these important species. For more information, visit our website .
- Facilities | Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition
Forest Farming Centers & Facilities:The ABFFC is housed at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, VA, but our partners span the length of the Appalachians (and beyond). This regional map is a comprehensive list of our partners and their locations as well as Forest Farming Centers & Facilities The Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition is housed at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, VA, but our partners span the length and breadth of the Appalachians (and beyond). This regional map is a list of our partners and their locations as well as facilities, training locations and places of interest to the forest farming community. ABFFC Regional Map Education, Training & Community Centers Northern Centers Shaver's Creek @ Penn State UPS Goldenseal Sanctuary Western Mass Food Processing Center Commercial kitchen, plus entrepreneurial and natural products opportunities Appalachian Center for Economic Networks Food and business incubator (Ohio) Athens Business Incubator Nelsonville Business Center and Food Hub Southern Centers Warren Wilson College The Yew Mountain Center Eastern Carolina Food Ventures Incubator Kitchen (Warsaw, SC) Blue Ridge Food Ventures – A natural product incubator – "11,000 square-foot shared use kitchen and natural products manufacturing facility". Supports product development, regulation navigation, marketing, equipment for bottling/packaging, etc. (Asheville, NC) Piedmont Food and Ag Processing Center (Hillsborough, Eastern NC) AH Herb Hub Overview & Flyer
ABFFC Privacy Policy Please read below our privacy and data collection policies, and about our commitment to keeping your information safe. Our email newsletter complies with GDPR Standards, and you may opt-out at anytime. ABFFC sends out seasonal newsletters about forest farming topics, resources for growing and training as well as upcoming events. We use surveys and the secured anonymous demographic information that we collect from them in order to better understand our membership base and expand our reach, local and regional programs, and resources like grants and educational events. The Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition is committed to protecting the privacy of our members and online visitors. We have created this Privacy Policy to explain why we collect particular information and how we will protect your personal privacy within our website. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the Web site located at the URL . In order to fully understand your rights we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy. Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition reserves the right at any time and without notice to change this Privacy Policy simply by posting such changes on our website. Any such change will be effective immediately upon posting. Because we want to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy, this Privacy Policy notifies you of: What personally identifiable information of yours is collected through the Site; Who collects such information; How such information is used; With whom your information may be shared; What choices you have regarding collection, use and distribution of your information; What kind of security procedures are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under our control; and How you can correct any inaccuracies in your information. Questions regarding this statement should be directed to Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition by sending an email to the website administrator or using the below form. Please reference this Privacy Policy in your subject line. What Information We Collect and How We Use That Information Our membership forms require users to give us contact information that may include name, email address, format preference (HTML vs. Text), location, interests, and similar information. We do not request or store sensitive information from our visitors, such as credit card or social security numbers. Surveys & Demographic Information Part of our free membership sign up asks for a completed short survey that includes information about how you describe yourself, your state and county, birth year and gender. This information will be used solely for the purposes of resource allocation and broad demographic information that allows us to offer trainings, programs and events in your area. Internet Protocol Address We collect an IP address from all visitors to our Site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Site, analyze trends, track users’ movement, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use in order for us to improve the site, and deliver customized, personalized content. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. Use of “Cookies” Our Site may use cookies to enhance your experience while using our Site. Cookies are pieces of information that some Web sites transfer to the computer that is browsing that Web site and are used for record-keeping purposes at many Web sites. Use of cookies makes web-surfing easier by performing certain functions such as saving your passwords, your personal preferences regarding your use of the particular website and to make sure you don’t see the same ad repeatedly. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard. Your browser is probably set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our Site will not function properly when you view them. Security All information provided to Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition is transmitted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. SSL is a proven coding system that lets your browser automatically encrypt, or scramble, data before you send it to us. We also protect account information by placing it on a secure portion of our Site that is only accessible by certain qualified employees of Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition. Unfortunately, however, no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of such information. Other Websites Our Site contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website for which the Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition has no responsibility. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on all such sites as their policies may be different than ours. Contacting the Site Admin If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this website, you can contact the Website Administrator for the Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition, or use the form here on the Contact Page .
- Forest Farming Footnotes | ABFFC
ABFFC's Newsletter: Forest Farming Footnotes features stories, people, partner organizations and more! Forest Farming Footnotes AFFC's Forest Farming Footnotes Newsletter features partners, people, forest farming stories and events related to forest farming throughout Appalachia and beyond. Have a great story, event or forest farming feature? Let us know by sending us an email ! Current Newsletter Newsletter Archive Forest Farming Footnotes Newsletter Read, print, download or share our most recent newsletter. Current Forest Farming Footnotes Archive archive Issue 1, Winter 2012 Issue 2, Spring 2013 Issue 3, Fall 2013 Issue 4, Winter 2013 Issue 5, Spring 2014 Issue 6, Fall 2014 Issue 7, Spring 2016 Issue 8, Fall 2016 Issue 9, Spring 2017 Issue 10, Fall 2017 Issue 11, Summer 2018 Issue 12, Spring 2019 Issue 13, Spring 2020 Issue 14, Fall 2020 Issue 15, Summer 2021 Issue 16, Fall 2021 Issue 17, Spring 2022 Issue 18, Spring 2023 Issue 19, Autumn 2023 Issue 20, Winter 2024
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