AFFC stands in solidarity with those affected by Hurricane Helene in Sept. 2024. Read more on the Post Disaster Resources page.
Appalachian Forest
Farmer Coalition
ABFFC Membership
Through your participation and support, the Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition can provide free access to many resources for forest farming and agroforestry, and an ever growing network of support though partners, communities, technical assistance and essential training to forest farmers like you.
We promise to protect your information, and privacy. Please read through our privacy policy for more information about how we use your survey answers for demographic purposes only, and to better connect to our members through events, regional conferences and hands on training.
Become a Member (it's free!)
Help us improve and expand the coalition by filling out our short membership survey!
We promise to protect your information and privacy.
Membership Benefits
Hands-on Training & Support
Hands-on workshops on all aspects of operations: choosing and preparing a site, management planning, organic production and certification, forest grown verification, best handling and processing practices, value added production techniques, forest farming business planning and record keeping.​ Unique opportunities to see value-added facilities and productive forest farms.
Forest Farming Resources
This coalition clearinghouse website houses a wide array of online and video resources for forest farmers on diverse topics from industry basics to cultivation to value added production and beyond. The coalition will also help link members to free and reduced rate seed distribution programs and house an equipment share forum to assist growers in accessing tools for harvest and processing. Bi-annual Appalachian Forest Farmer Chronicle.
Connecting and Networking Growers
Forest farmer and industry stakeholder meetings will offer opportunities for growers to connect with buyers, organic certifiers, representatives from verification and other labeling programs.
​Growing communities full of folks interested in all aspects of forest farming and every skill level.
Regional Technical Assistance Network
Forest farmer to forest farmer mentorship program. Access to university extension and other agency personnel for FAQs and assistance with site and habitat management planning.
Forest Farming Community Newsletter
Join our email list to be one of the first to receive our seasonal Forest Farming Footnotes newsletter, which brings together the best of our regional partners, trainings, events, forest farming classifieds, and regional happenings!
Other ways to support the Coalition!
Share the word about ABFFC
Ask about forest farming
Learn more about forest farming in our video library
Participate in our forest farming community on Facebook
Check out our Forest Farming Footnotes newsletter and archive
Attend online or in person events and trainings
Fill out a survey, which helps inform our resources, and future projects